When rehoming feels like the only option, Hearty Paws may be able to help.
Surrender your dog
If you need to surrender your dog, please complete our Owner Surrender Pre-Intake Form. Our team will carefully review your submission and respond within 72 hours.
Please feel free to email our team at intakes@heartypaws.org
Info to help you keep your dog
Our rescue is built on COMMUNITY. If you are struggling with your Great Dane, but are committed to keeping him or her, we want to help you honor that commitment. PLEASE REACH OUT to our team at heartypawsgreatdanerescue@gmail.com. We want to help! Whether it's training resources, short term food help, or just a listening ear, we are HERE. Their story started with you and we will do what we can to help ensure that you're able to continue to be a part of that story.
Rehome on your own
As a small rescue, our capacity to take in dogs is limited. If you need to rehome your dog on your own, we suggest a thorough screening of potential adopters to ensure your dog finds a safe and loving home. For tips and guidance on how to rehome responsibly, visit this helpful resource.
If you need additional help, please email our team at intakes@heartypaws.org